Early on, your investments allowed SIM USA to invest in much-needed research.
To remain responsive to our time, we realized it was important to gain a fresh understanding of modern attitudes toward mission and sending in American churches. We wanted to know how to encourage, inspire, and equip the next generations of workers—how to reach them where they are and help them move forward in their journey toward cross-cultural ministry.
Knowing that it’s the Church that does the lion’s share of cultivating and sending workers, we also wanted to know what the true needs of today’s U.S. Church are, as well as how we can better serve and support her leaders as they seek to engage God’s work on a global level.

Because you equipped us to partner with the right consultants and research experts, we gained great insight. This process of research and analysis took more than a year and has resulted in the outcomes you’ve seen unfold.
Specifically, we learned that the U.S. Church needs more support when it comes to identifying and nurturing future workers among congregations. Pastors and leaders want to send, but many don’t know who to approach about going, the best ways to help people prepare, or how to answer some of the global-scope questions potential workers have.
We also found that we were not connecting well with potential workers in order to recruit them. Our tried-and-true methods of recruitment—which were mostly organic—have become less effective.

It became radically apparent that we would need to become more intentional about seeking and serving those whom God wants to move toward overseas ministry.
So, just over two years ago, we hired a writer/creative director to help us shape messaging for multiple audiences and bring consistency to our voice and cadence of communication. Another year or so later, the Lord brought us a talented videographer—fresh out of college—giving us a growing vision for dynamic, moving, and sharable digital media.
Then, with the intel provided by research, the staff needed to get the ball rolling, and with your prayers and financial support backing us…we got busy!
Keep reading to be reminded of what followed in our digital realm renovations, how we crafted new platforms for transformational community, and prayerfully engaged in planning a comprehensive campaign to build on the foundation you’ve helped lay . . .