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Liberia was founded in West Africa by freed slaves who sought to establish a nation in which man was not owned but free. Though it is the oldest republic in Africa, a national identity has only started to take shape after two civil wars. Blanketed with rainforests and valuable hardwood trees, Liberia is richly blessed in natural resources such as timber, iron ore, gold, and diamonds. It’s temperate climate also fosters productive agriculture.

Almost half of Liberia’s four million people are under the age of fifteen. Sex trafficking is widespread, and many of the victims are children. An estimated 54% of the population live in poverty. Only about 47% of adults and 54% of youth are literate. Emotional and psychological scars of war and disease plague Liberia. The first civil war (1989-1996) claimed over 200,000 lives. The second (1997-2003) caused the death of an additional 100,000 people. These wars demolished the nation’s economic system and traumatized its people. Sadly, Liberia was forced to fight yet another battle when Ebola struck in 2014. By 2016 the horrific disease had killed over 4,000 people. Many farmers fled their lands, leaving fields unplanted and without a harvest. In addition to a lack of crops, only a quarter of the population has access to safe drinking water.

In the midst of these tragedies, Liberians celebrate freedom of religion. Approximately 42% follow ethnic religions, 41% claim Christianity, and 15% are Muslim. Although this nation has a Christian heritage, 60% of the population remain unreached with the Gospel, and Islam is growing at a faster rate than Christianity. The Church is mostly located in the city, while much of the population lives in rural areas without access to sound Biblical teaching. Many doors have opened for the spread of the Gospel throughout Liberia, including the Ebola crisis which provided countless opportunities to share the love of Jesus through tangible medical care. But the false teachings of the prosperity Gospel have also gained influence in many regions. May the Holy Spirit motivate Liberians to reach the unreached with His love and give them a desire to introduce their own people to Jesus, their only Savior.

quick facts

Christian 42%, Ethnic religions 39%, Muslim 16%, Agnostic 2%
capital city:
English, Kpelle, Bassa, Grebo, Dan, Maan
Presidential Republic
GDP per capita:
literacy rate:
major groups of people:
19% Kpelle; 13% Bassa; 7% Mano (Mah, Maa, Mawe); 7% Kru; 5% Loma (Toma, Bouze)

prayer points


God to call Liberians as mission workers to people in remote areas, sent out by Liberian churches who feel burdened for their neighbors’ salvation


Liberian church leaders to be equipped to discern and dispute false teachings


The Evangelical Seminary of West Africa (ESWA), the first graduate level theological school in Liberia


Renewed vision and energy in the ELWA ministries, that they may continue to represent Jesus in the community through doing good works and faithfully teaching the word and ways of God


The success of a partnership with Dakar Academy to provide elementary school education for the children of mission workers, unavailable for two decades


Peace, prosperity, and stability in Liberia, one of the poorest nations in the world

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