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Questions about Global Missions?

Marginalized People

Do you have a heart for the least reached? Have you considered serving among nomadic peoples? Join us for Nomad Connect 2023 in a truck traveling off the beaten path to visit nomadic communities throughout Kenya. Space is limited and we are looking for people that enjoy camping, building relationships and spending time learning. Course work included and could possibility be given course credit by your university (you need to investigate this yourself). Begins approximately mid-June and runs for 30 days.
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Whole Person Care Preceptorship Health Care

Help address patients’ spiritual and physical needs in a cross-cultural medical setting. This opportunity partners with the Medical Strategic Network’s summer Whole Person Care Preceptorship. You will receive training and will practice giving whole person care in the U.S. for 5 weeks prior to a 3 week vision trip in Africa.
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Train and Go

The “train and go” apprenticeship includes GFM’s five-month Missionary Training School in Atlanta, GA followed by seven months serving on an SIM field in strategic locations.
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Student Teaching Education

Educate the next generation of cross-cultural workers and world leaders through your student teaching placement! Learn from your cooperating teacher and engage the world in your international school classroom. Opportunities exist at SIM and partner schools worldwide.
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Medical Rotations Health Care

Complete a medical school rotation with SIM! We work with hospitals worldwide to provide an excellent placement that will meet your requirements. This opportunity is open to qualified students and residents.
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