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Questions about Global Missions?


As those stripped down, weak and humble, we follow Christ to where his name is not known, so that he may be glorified. We depend on him through prayer, proclaim the good news, walk alongside those who follow him, and build bonds of fellowship.


Discipleship and church planting through:

  • professionals in mission
  • business as mission
  • food processing
  • teaching English
  • campus discipleship
  • transformational development among vulnerable people
  • discipling believers
  • interns
  • Third culture kid (TCK) education

Communities where He is least known

Businesses and neighborhoods

Throughout North Africa there are few resident witnesses of the good new in the local communities. Pray for our workers as they locate to coastal cities and desert towns; that they would find favor and relationships with people of peace.

God is blessing us with more and more workers coming to serve across North Africa. Though the work is difficult, we are seeing fruit where God has placed us. Through businesses and employment opportunities, we are building meaningful relationships with employees, community leaders, neighbors, language teachers and new believers.

University students

The Faithful Witness project is bringing workers from Francophone Africa to serve as campus disciplers. These workers are mobilizing Christian sub-Saharan African university students to minister to North African students. Pray for these Christian students to develop a heart for Muslim students, develop friendships and point North Africans to Jesus.


Among the 92 ethnic groups in North Africa, 22 are nomadic. Very few workers are bringing the gospel to them. Working with nomads is challenging, requiring creative strategies and adapted methods. Pray for the Bedouins, Tuaregs and Moors. SIM workers in one of the North African desert countries mainly inhabited by these nomads will support and disciple underground church leaders as they lead the small groups of believers across the land.

prayer points


Persecuted believers, some imprisoned, many traumatized and almost all ostracized by their families


Unity in the tiny church


More business people, professionals and skilled tradespeople to obey God’s call to North Africa


Young people who are searching for truth; may they hear the gospel and follow Jesus


Boldness, love and wisdom in equal measure for all our workers in these hard places


One country team as they develop their leadership and for other teams to grow through partnerships and the mobilizing of many more workers


People of peace and openness amongst nomadic peoples

Who will send them from all over the world

  • the persecuted church and the unity of the small church across North Africa
  • the strong development of our teams, as the number of workers grows
  • God’s leading in new initiatives, discovery of opportunities and grace in our


  • for God to direct us to nomads who will be ‘people of peace’
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