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Questions about Global Missions?


To see the Middle East transformed, as lives are changed by the love of Christ through the message of the gospel.


Obeying God’s call and trusting him, we:

  • encourage Middle Eastern Christians to minister to neighbors with the love and truth of Christ
  • support local church-planting and discipleship initiatives
  • model vibrant Christian faith
  • mobilize the worldwide church to pray for the region

Serving in various contexts, our multi-cultural teams:

  • invest in relationships, learn languages, and acquire cultural sensitivity
  • engage in church life, serving alongside local believers
  • reach out with compassion to the marginalized, including refugees and displaced
  • provide education at all levels, including theological training
  • serve through healthcare
  • run businesses and serve in professional roles, as a means of Christian witness
  • participate in Bible translation and distribution
  • support the mobilization of local people for regional and international witness

Communities Where He Is Least Known


Islam is the majority faith, and many Middle Easterners only know caricatures of the Christian faith. Spiritual conversations come readily for those with the time and the willingness to invest in relationships. People are asking questions as never before, and they need to connect with scripture and with Christians who can explain it.

As we and our local partners invest in relationships, we pray that many from the majority communities will understand and accept the gospel through the witness of our lives, friendship, testimony and gospel presentation.

Marginalized people

Regional conflicts and economic challenges have prompted huge movements of people over recent years, compounding the plight of those already disadvantaged or marginalized. Economic collapse and Covid-19 have intensified these challenges, bringing widespread hopelessness and a desire to emigrate.

Care for the vulnerable is a focus of many of the ministries we serve in. As churches adjust programs, train their people, and reach out with Christ’s compassion, we rejoice that unprecedented numbers are finding hope, peace and life in Christ.

prayer points


Stamina and grace as our multi-cultural teams learn language and culture


Wisdom, insight and unity for churches, agencies and leaders as they witness here


Theological and practical training to equip leaders to build Christ’s church in unsettled and sometimes volatile circumstances


Compassionate ministries to commend Christ to those suffering from the effects of regional conflict through commitment to love, integrity, justice and truth


Our Faithful Witness team, bringing hope to a neglected community


Opportunities to expand our service to additional countries in the Middle East, including through business opportunities


Many to pray, give and consider serving here


All who are inquiring, exploring, and raising support to join our teams

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