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Questions about Global Missions?

Serving Refugees In Uganda

SIM workers Eli & Bethany Fader serve among South Sudanese refugees in Uganda. Hear how the Lord is working through the Faders to bring hope, healing, and salvation among displaced peoples.

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Alternative Pathways Into Missions

Have a passion for business, entrepreneurship, or marketplace ministry and a desire to engage in God’s global mission? SIM Missional Business Advocate Jon Gerst describes alternate pathways to mission that will break down the sacred-secular divide while releasing numerous workers…

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The Reeves & Woldhuis Families

Michael and Kelly Reeves join Karine Woldhuis to share about their time serving in Ecuador through trauma healing and disaster relief. They will also share what their families are up to now as they serve in Australia in anti-trafficking ministry…

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Sports Friends

Sports ministry serves as a powerful tool for the Church to build relationships with young people and share with them the hope of the gospel. In this Discover938 webinar, we hear from Dan Linsz, Bryan Mills, and Bob Cramer serving…

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