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Questions about Global Missions?


A highly educated nation, almost 100% of the British population is literate. The leading industries include banking, high tech manufacturing, and textiles. Ornate, historic cathedrals can be found across England’s cities and countryside. The influence of the British Empire during the 19th century stretched far and wide, especially affecting literature, science and the development of democracy. Today England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales are four individual countries that make up the United Kingdom (UK). The UK was a member of the European Union (EU) until June 2016, when parliament voted by 52% to leave the EU — a move known as “Brexit.” Since then, the UK has been working to discern its modern identity and role on a global stage.

Since the post-war era, the strength of the British Empire decreased significantly. Once plentiful oil and natural gas reserves are declining. Recent global financial crises and a pandemic challenged the economy leaving high consumer debt, declining industry and inflation. Violent crime, sexually transmitted diseases, mental health concerns, prostitution, and drug addictions are high. As a major destination for refugees and immigrants, the British population has divided views on immigration’s effects on the social, religious, and political landscapes of the country.

The homeland of John Wesley, William Tyndale, and John Wycliffe, England was once a thriving center of Christian thought. Sadly today, secularism and New Age are widespread. Islam is exponentially on the rise! An estimated 59% of the population claim the Christian faith, but that number is rapidly decreasing. Even more heartbreaking is the despair and hopelessness felt by the people. Many are discouraged and cynical about the future. This highly educated and historically successful nation is in desperate need of a spiritual revival. The only one who can lift the weights of hopelessness and despondency in England is Jesus Christ.

quick facts

Christian 59.4%, Muslim 5%, Hindu 1.5%, Sikh .8%, Jewish .5%, Buddhist .5%, other .4%, unspecified 7.2%, none 24.7%
capital city:
Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
GDP per capita:
literacy rate:
major groups of people:
white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Indian-British 2.3%, Pakistani-British 1.9%

prayer points


The new leadership team in the UK as they seek to build better relationships with churches and so see more workers sent around the world


Opportunities for more workers to come and serve in the UK through our Engage program, and for more churches being willing to host and resource them


A growing heart in the UK and Ireland to pray for the least-reached communities of the globe, leading to more willingness to go sacrificially


Thank God that he is stirring the hearts of a younger generation in the UK who want to step out and serve

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