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East Asia Office

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We envision churches in East Asia glorifying God by partnering with the global Church, SIM and our supporting constituencies in sending missionaries to the least reached, while also receiving missionaries in certain countries of East Asia. Together, as God’s people, we commit ourselves willingly and joyfully to be involved in furthering the cause of the Great Commission through praying, giving, mobilizing, going and receiving missionaries.


The staff of the East Asia Office coordinates and supervises the efforts of constituent sending and receiving entities, and provides services in the areas of:

  • Promotion
  • Mobilization of churches and individuals
  • Candidate screening and selection
  • Mentoring and orientation
  • Information coordination
  • Church-mission partnerships
  • Administration, supervision and development of receiving contexts
  • Crisis management and contingency
  • Care for children of cross-cultural workers
  • Pastoral care and prayer

Communities where He is least known

Bugis tribe

Members of Bugis, the largest tribe inhabiting the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, have long been known as tough sailors and tenacious traders. The Bugis, with an estimated seven million people, can be found throughout Indonesia and even in Malaysia, Singapore, and the southern Philippines.

Islam is the main religion of the Bugis tribe. However, the Bugis also believe in the tradition of the ancestors and the power of occult spirits. Mission work has been done amongst them since the beginning of the 19th century, primarily by Dutch missionaries, but with little success. The number of Bugis Christians is estimated to be less than one per cent.

prayer points


Pray for efforts to reach the Bugis tribe, through missionaries from around the world and within their own countries.


Pray for SIM East Asia to send 280 missionaries by the year 2021 to the least-reached places in the world.


Pray for God to supply the needed funds for our projected growth, operation, ministries and projects.


Pray for wisdom and resources in developing the capacity in the region to receive missionaries.


Pray for the process of affirming the new candidate to replace our regional director.

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