Hearts are turning to Him every day because of the ongoing work of believers sent by churches across the globe. These missionaries are crossing linguistic, cultural, racial, political, and class-based boundaries to build dynamic and diverse communities of grace that show people of all tribes and tongues what true love is—and where they can find true peace.
All of this is possible because God’s people come together to pray, give, and go in obedience to the way God has made and gifted them! YOU are an important part of this family and God’s kingdom!
How is God leading you to help carry the good news to the ends of the earth? Keep reading to find ways you can participate through financial stewardship, prayer, and service.
This fund fuels our Charlotte-based team’s work training, mobilizing, and supporting our current workers—while escalating our efforts to find, recruit, and train more American workers to join what God is already around the world.
But right now, this fund is also helping meet a very critical need:
Administrative costs that support our current workers have increased alongside world-wide prices. SIM USA has chosen not to pass this burden on to our workers, many of whom are already facing budget challenges and cutbacks.
SIM USA is urgently seeking gifts in the sum of $210,000 to offset the impact of inflation on our office operations and overcome this budget shortfall.
Share your love for missionaries this season by making a special gift to help them and the SIM USA home office absorb increasing costs!
- Donate now to help keep workers from shouldering increasing costs as global prices rise.
Or, if you feel led, you can also establish a monthly recurring gift to help offset these ongoing costs. This is a strategic way to give!
Not only would you help overcome the pressing need here at the end of 2023—you will also help prevent increasing costs from affecting our missionaries in 2024 and for as long as you choose to continue your monthly gift. It takes just a couple minutes to set up and will enable you to establish a regular, low-effort rhythm of giving that faithfully grows God’s church where Jesus is least known.
- Start a monthly gift to offset admin costs in 2024 and enable SIM USA to care for more workers, long-term.
Lastly, if you sense God leading you to explore creative ways to financially invest in global mission, please reach out to our donor care team! Their spiritual gifts are fulfilled when they get to help God’s people make meaningful, eternal investments for His worship and glory.
- Connect with our donor care team at https://www.simusa.org/contact-us/ and share the ways you sense God leading you to give!
They would love to pray with you through exciting ideas like:
- Gifts-in-kind
- Legacy and planned giving
- Gifts of stock and appreciated assets
- Project support
- and more!
Your prayers on behalf of our workers and their ministries, the people they serve, as well as our global organization are highly valued and integral to our daily operations.
If the Lord is inviting you to pray more intentionally for global mission, I’d love to encourage you to take advantage of one of what I believe to be SIM USA’s most valuable resources: Together by Prayer.
- Subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter version of Together by Prayer, featuring up-to-date prayer requests directly from workers.
Together by Prayer makes it easy to incorporate the current requests of active missionaries into a daily or weekly prayer practice.
It’s also a great tool for group or family prayer!
Together by Prayer provides one request per day but it also serves as a wonderful launchpad for those who want to spend more time interceding for God’s workers and ongoing ministry through SIM. For those wishing to pray more deeply—or for group leaders and Sunday school teachers who want a framework for group prayer—each request serves as a doorway into a deep well of prayer possibilities:
- For the missionary, their personal needs, and their family.
- For the team the missionary serves on.
- For the local church they partner with.
- For their friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
- For the village/town/region/nation in which God has placed them.
- For their politicians and leaders.
If you feel led, you might consider inviting someone else to join you in a commitment to pray regularly for God’s global mission and His workers. The seeds of SIM were first planted and nurtured as a small group of faithful people obediently and collectively cried out in prayer on behalf of Africa’s least reached.
Your prayers have eternal and far-reaching international impact!
- Chat with one of our coaches about global mission, today!
Or, if you haven’t already spoken with someone at your church about global mission, here’s a challenge you can undertake:
- Initiate a conversation with your pastor about global mission.
Click the link for helpful conversation starters, plus the top questions pastors want you to ask them about cross-cultural missions!