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How can I grow in my prayer life?

By Charlie T.  ·  2 minute read
Learning Center  »  How can I grow in my prayer life?

I don’t always feel confident in my prayer life.  

You are not alone. As simple as it is to pray, it can be tough to dedicate time to our prayer life. Distractions, the pace of life, the enemy of our souls, and our own attention span can keep us from spending time in prayer.

The good news is that the effectiveness of our prayers does not rest on whether we feel confident or not but in the power of the One to whom we pray! A prayer offered in weakness can bring the power of Almighty God to any situation!

So, how can I grow in my prayer life?

  • Ask God to help you grow in your prayer life.

The disciples said to Jesus, “Teach us to pray.” He gave them the Lord’s Prayer as a guide. God also wants us to come to Him in prayer. When we seek Him for help in our prayer life, He gladly responds.

  • Read the prayers of the Bible.

Our faith will grow, and so will our prayer life as we read the prayers recorded in Scripture. Study the prayers of Nehemiah, Daniel, David, Moses, Jesus, and Paul throughout the pages of the Bible. Learning how Jesus prayed for His disciples, or how Paul prayed for the churches, can inform how we pray for one another.

  • Just pray.

The best way to learn how to pray is by doing it. Prayer is simply communicating with God in an open-ended, ongoing conversation. David encourages us to “Pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge” (Ps. 62:8). Talk to God throughout the day, thank Him for what He’s given to you, entrust Him with your feelings, and ask Him for forgiveness and help. Then, sit back and watch for His answers!

  • Listening and silence can be a part of your prayer life.

Prayer is not just about speaking; it also involves listening. Practice stillness and silence in your prayer time, allowing space for God to speak to your heart.

  • Pray with others.

Pray with people whom you trust and respect. Praying with people can be intimidating, but time in corporate prayer is an avenue for growth. Ask experienced prayer warriors how they’ve grown in their prayer lives and consider incorporating some of these methods in your time with God.

Growing in our prayer life is a lifelong pursuit—a spiritual discipline worth developing. Be patient with yourself, embrace the journey, and seek a genuine relationship with God. Allow Him to shape and transform your prayer life as you draw near to Him with a sincere heart.

Charlie T.
Director of Prayer and Celebration

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