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Questions about Global Missions?

A Missionary’s Perspective

Character Traits of a Missionary

God uses people with all types of personalities and strengths to serve Him in global missions. The only true requirements are: a committed obedience to God, desperate dependence on Him, acknowledgment of our weakness, and trust in His enabling.

A highly important trait for a missionary to possess is one modeled most clearly by Jesus Christ Himself: humility. 

This position of the heart sees others as more important than oneself and causes God’s people to go not as trailblazing pioneers, but as true servants ready to listen, learn, and work alongside local church leaders.

Life Skills of a Missionary

There are a wide variety of life skills God can use to grow His kingdom where Jesus is least known. In fact, the list is nearly endless! The skills associated with your passions and interests fall in this category, too – from gardening to cooking, budgeting to childrearing, car maintenance, sewing, carpentry, singing, and beyond.

But there are also some integral personal attributes we see highly represented in successful long-term cross-cultural workers. These are often referred to as soft skills in the job market.

These include things like networking ability, emotional intelligence, adaptability and flexibility, strategic thinking, patience, creativity, good listening, and problem solving.

Professional Skills of a Missionary

There are many ways to serve as a global missionary. God can use the professional skills you already have to uniquely meet needs around the world, but you can also develop new ones along the way. Whatever your professional experience, God can use it to bless the individuals and communities He leads you to minister to in His name. The most important thing is to have a humble dedication to following God wherever He leads, offering back to Him the gifts He has given you.

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