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Sharing a New, Ancient Story

Learning Center  »  Sharing a New, Ancient Story

Rural villages in Asia are difficult places. Difficult to get to—it takes hours of driving on deeply rutted dirt roads to get to them. Difficult to live in—modern conveniences like electricity and running water are often nonexistent.

But most important, they’re difficult places to learn about Jesus.

It’s here that God called Marta*, a SIM worker, to serve.

Each morning, Marta walks the short distance to the school where she ministers, excited to spend the day with her students. She knows each one by name.

As a Christian, Marta is cautious when sharing her faith with the students and the other teachers. Sharing the gospel in many regions of Asia is frowned upon—and in some cases it’s even illegal.

Quietly shining the light of Jesus in Asia

Marta talks about Jesus as she is able, but she focuses on being Christlike in her actions—showering love and compassion on the children each opportunity she gets.

Recently, Marta had the opportunity to visit one of the nearby villages and meet some of the families of the students she teaches at school. It was here, despite the risk, that she felt Jesus leading her to share the good news. Through a translator (who was not Christian), Marta shared God’s story, starting from creation and ending with things yet to come.

But the greatest of these is Love

When Marta finished, the head of the village approached her and said, “We have heard this story before. It is not new to us. Before we did not believe, but now that you have come we choose to believe.”

God had used Marta’s loving kindness toward the children to prepare the hearts of the villagers so they would believe that what she told them is really true.

That day, the entire village, including the interpreter (more than 30 people!), believed in Jesus. 

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35)

Please join us in prayer:

  • Pray as we arrange for more workers to go to this village in Asia to follow up.
  • Pray for these villagers to become established and strong in their faith.
  • Pray for protection for Marta and these new believers in this gospel-resistant country.

*Names and photos may have been changed for the sake of privacy and safety of our workers, ministry partners and those we serve.

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